The birth of the “Diversity Capability Certification” has been a long-awaited dream.(Message from Prof. Dr. Nishantha)

We live in a society filled with diversity, and the quality of society is determined by how it engages with and embraces diversity. The “Diversity Capability Certification” believes in contributing to solving issues that arise in various spaces such as businesses, local communities, schools, and homes, bringing peace and development to all places. The birth of the “Diversity Capability Certification” has been a long-held aspiration. Personally, I have incorporated it into university classes, corporate events, and seminars and training sessions organized by local governments. I sincerely hope that many people will take the certification exam and support its mission.
にしゃんた 羽衣国際大学教授・タレント・ダイバーシティスピーカー(多様性の語り部)。セイロン(現スリランカ)生まれで、7万円と片道切符で高校生時代に来日。苦学生を経て経済学博士号を取得。人権、ダイバーシティ、多文化共生やSDGsなど、社会的な課題について研究し、その発見や経験を分かち合うため、全国で講演活動を行っている。「共笑」の提唱者である。ダイバーシティ能力検定協会員。https://nishan.jp
Dr.Nishantha Professor at Hagoromo International University, Talent, Diversity Speaker. Born in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), Nishantha came to Japan during high school with 70,000 yen and a one-way ticket. After overcoming financial challenges, he earned a doctoral degree in economics. He conducts research on social issues such as human rights, diversity, multicultural coexistence, and SDGs, and shares his findings and experiences through nationwide lecture activities. He is the advocate of “共笑” (Tomoe), a concept promoting shared laughter. Nishantha is a member of the Diversity Capability Certification Association. Learn more at https://nishan.jp.